Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Librarianship, Qualifications, Careers

For Things 10 and 11 this week, I am blogging about my route into librarianship and my experiences thus far in the profession. Like most arts graduates, I was unsure of my career path after University. In my naïve and youthful state, I had imagined that it would be perfectly feasible to walk from my graduation ceremony into a publishing house who agreed to publish my first novel right there and then. Or perhaps I’d walk into the editorial office of the Guardian and be swept away on a magic carpet of opening nights, films festivals and cocktail parties.

Reality hit hard soon after I had relocated to Cambridgeshire as I began the inevitable rounds of administrative temping. I found myself in an administrative role in an academic environment, a good job which would have been stable enough to secure my future. And yet. Every time the word ‘library’ was mentioned, I would wonder. Ponder. I remembered my childhood days of “playing” at being a librarian. I confess, I even set up the “Friendly Lending Library” with my own books and made library cards for my readers. Not a family gathering went by without my relentless recruitment of new patrons from amongst the guests. In junior school, I became a pupil librarian. This was back in the day, with catalogue cards and manual issue.

It is odd therefore that as an adult these memories took a while to surface into the basis of a real career. It was when I really started considering what to do with my life that librarianship called to me. I am passionate about connecting the reader to their desired information and helping them to learn the skills to find and use quality resources. I left a permanent well paid administrative post to move into a junior library assistant role and I am extremely glad that I did. I have a grounding of library work at all levels, something that helps me to empathise with junior staff in a way that I suspect would be difficult if I’d not had entry level experience. I have been lucky in my career so far in that I have worked in a diverse variety of libraries in all three parts of the Cambridge tripartite system, before finding my feet in my first professional post.

I decided to begin the Aberystwyth course via distance learning after working for one year as a junior library assistant. I was sure that this was the career for me and I wanted to become more engaged with the LIS sector. I had the opportunity at that point to move into a SCONUL graduate traineeship which helped me to develop myself and to view myself as a professional practitioner. The Aberystwyth course appealed to me for several reasons: it is progressive, it ties together theory and practice, and it is affordable. I was able to apply my learnt knowledge to the workplace in order to see the limitations of theory and the practicalities of librarianship. As a keen Open University student, the distance learning world was not unfamiliar to me and I enjoy setting my own deadlines.

I completed the MSc in Library and Information Science in September 2010.
I am currently working towards my Chartership. The process is already teaching me a lot about reflexion and service evaluation. I have been in my current post as Assistant Librarian managing three collections for just over three years. Let's see what the future will bring.


Anonymous said...

You have just reminded me that when I was in my final year of middle-school (American educated), I worked in the library for one period of that last semester. I can't remember why I did that instead of a class now. But I remember I would just sit at the desk and file the check out cards, and stamp things (I remember doing WITHDRAWN stamps). Hmmm maybe I was supposed to end up a librarian after all...

sblib said...
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sblib said...

Hey, just thought you'd like to know, I referenced you in my blog post; we seem to have had similar roots into librarianship. Are you on Twitter? Here is the link to my post: http://impressionablesarah.blogspot.com/2011/08/thing-10-everything-is-open-nothing-is.html

Law_Lib_Extraordinaire said...

Really enjoyed reading about your journey into the librarianship world.

netaxia said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences of working in librarianship - I'm currently considering a career change into information management so this post has been very useful. Your recollection of setting up your own library as a child really struck a chord with me - I was also OBSESSED with this and even went so far as to programme my Commodore 64 to run its own library cataloguing programme!!

The Activity Mummah said...

@netaxia - glad that the post was helpful! Information and resource management is really interesting and diverse sector in which to work - good luck with it all!