Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Why reading is important

Reading is important. It’s also really good fun. It is the only way that I would know how to experience life through the eyes of for example an Israeli woman, an Irish farmer or an American banker. The words on the page light up the brain, fire up the imagination, to take you on the greatest adventures. You learn something new, about the world, about yourself, maybe even about other people. It sounds clichéd, but it’s not. I promise. Give it a go. Nothing to loose. Go along for the ride, hitch onto the text, create your own interpretations. Picture Mma Ramotswe sitting in her agency drinking bush tea. Feel the heat of the sun as she contemplated the old Botswana sense of morality which is slowly, for her, ebbing away. Travel with Thursday Next through time and reality as she tracks down those literature thieves and evil-doers galore. Most importantly, have fun. Enjoy what you read.
2008 is the National Year of Reading. Read something fun today.

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